mandag 7. desember 2015

Redefining Learning Conference Oslo

December 3-4, I attended the Flagship Redefining Learning Conference co-hosted with Skjetten primary school and Nesøya school, Norway. Two inspiring days filled with inspiration from international teachers, school leaders, students, Microsoft Managements and Education Team, Microsoft Innovative Expert Educators and Finnish Ministry about technology and learning in the 21 century.
Microsoft Norway Education invited me to speak about the use of Surface and Pen in my design classes at Lister videregående skole. To speak public in a second language is a big challenge for me. But my sweet students shared so many fine examples of their work and lucky for me, the pictures spoke for themselves. Thanks to my students in class 1STF, and Steffi Marita Miland Svendsen, Microsoft who challenged me.

My Presentation for Redefining Learning Conference (PDF)

onsdag 18. november 2015

Split screen is timesaving for assesment

The policy of our school is that formal assessment has to be in the school's LMS system, Using my Surface Pro and split screen helps me save time. Changing between the different software and pages is no longer an issue. 

Keyboard shortcut to split screen: Windows and arrows (se picture below)

mandag 9. november 2015

Design av strikkemønster i Excel

Elever i Design og arkitektur 3 har designet sine egne strikkemønster ved hjelp av Excel. Cellene i Excel ble merket og formatert til kolonnebredde og høyde 2.

De måtte tilpasse mønsteret til et pannebånd med ca. 120 masker,  strikket med garn som passet til pinne nr. 3,5-4. 

Elevene laget i tillegg en presentasjons-tegning for hånd for å vise hvordan pannebåndet skulle se ut når det var ferdig.

Lenke til oppgavetekst med kompetansemål:

mandag 1. juni 2015

Microsoft E² Global Educator Exchange 2015

Som en av tre norske lærere fikk jeg delta på Microsoft E² Global Educator Exchange 28. april til 1.mai 2015. Vi var spesielt heldige for akkurat dette året var samlingen i Microsoft sitt hovedsete i Redmond USA. Her fikk vi delta sammen med over 200 lærere fra hele verden. Vi ble kurset, deltok med presentasjoner og prosjekter, og fikk høre spennende foredrag blant annet av Satya Narayana Nadella, administrerende direktør i Microsoft. Vi fikk personlig omvisning av Mike Tholfsen i OneNote avdelingen/bygget der vi hilste på flere programvareutviklere. Som Surface ekspert fikk vi også en eksklusiv omvisning i Surface fabrikken, hvor vi blant annet fikk et opphold inni verdens stilleste rom. Medielærer Ole Johnny Devik har laget denne filmen etter turen.

My learning activity presented at E2 Redmond 2015:

I use OneNote in combination with assessment for learning. Students do their practical work on computers or by hand for building their vocational skills. My students use OneNote for presentation of the work they do in every subject, and share it with me as a teacher. They became more reflective on their own learning outcome. 

torsdag 23. april 2015

Office Mix til omvendt undervisning

Har testet ut litt bilderedigeringsmuligheter i Powerpoint og Word. Fikk en liten utfordring av Microsoft om å lage en 60 sekunders mix ("film fra Powerpoint") i forbindelse med muligheten til å reise på Educator Exchange 2015.
Vil du lære hvordan du enkelt kan redigere egne bilder med PowerPoint eller Word?
Se den korte introduksjonen: How to make art with your own pictures in Microsoft Office using PowerPoint or Word

onsdag 1. april 2015

Flipped Classroom

Nå er jeg endelig i gang med å produsere materiell til omvendt undervisning (Flipped classroom). Etter tidligere utprøvinger med ulike programmer for skjermopptak ble alt så mye enklere med Office Mix,- et tilleggsverktøy (add-in) til PowerPoint.
I finally started to produce material for Flipped classroom. After previously trials with various programs for screen recordings, everything was so much easier with Office Mix - an additional tool ( add-in ) to PowerPoint.
Mix om Aksonometri av Mally Johnsen
Jeg laget først en vanlig presentasjon med bilder og tekst, åpnet MIX og verktøyet Slide Recording.
I made a regular presentation with pictures and text , opened MIX and used tool Slide Recording. 
Her kan produsenten (jeg) sette inn filmrute for mer personlig presentasjon. Og bruke  pennverktøy (inking) for å markere, tegne, skrive på  bildene etter hvert som man snakker.
Set in video for personal touch, and use inking for drawing and marks on the slides.

Etter opptak av bilde/lyd, trykk Close og velg hvor filmruten skal plasseres på skjermen, se eksempel på bildet under.
Du kan ta opp enkeltvis pr lysbilde eller for flere bilder om gangen. Det er enkelt å redigere underveis.
After recording image and sound, press Close and select where to place the film frame on the screen/slide, see examples on the picture under .
You can record individually per slide or for as many as you want. It is easy to edit. 

Min første publiserte Flipped Classroom/My first published MIX: 

Til Vg3 Formgiviningsfag i Design og arkitiektur 3 og Vg2 Interiør og utstillingsdesign

onsdag 4. mars 2015

OneNote and assessment for learning

The purpose of my action study project (Master) was to contribute to the development of ICT based formative assessment, by utilizing OneNote for documentation and feedback at a Vg2 class in a vocational high school. The study was conducted in Vocational Specialization subject (Prosjekt til fordypning), and has the following overarching research question: What are the possibilities of using OneNote as a tool for assessment for learning? The national initiative Assessment for Learning (2010-2014) aims to develop teachers' assessment practices through increased knowledge and understanding of assessment, as a tool for learning (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2011). The demand for closer monitoring of students, in line with the Assessment for Learning intentions, can be experienced as time-consuming for teachers. As Hattie and Timperley (2007) point out the use of ICT can be implemented to support teachers' assessment work. The project was limited in focus to assessment in relation to the use of feedback and with emphasis on further learning development. The use of documentation in the Vocational Specialization subject (Prosjekt til fordypning), has several purposes, but is mainly used by those who want to know what students have actually worked with and learnt from their in-depth study (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2010).
Example of student work
The digital tool, OneNote, opens up possibilities by combining student's documentation work and teacher's assessment work. The action study has been based on a qualitative approach implementing methods of observation, interviews and document studies, to examine how students and teachers experience using OneNote for documentation and assessment for learning.
The varied research methods and the two perspectives, student and teacher, provided the foundation for a triangulation to validate findings. The basis for the analysis and the chosen design options for educational purposes, are perspectives on computer supported collaborative learning, theories of assessment, as well as theories of learning and reflection.

The data were collected, categorized and analyzed using OneNote. The action project was divided into three action periods conducted during the five months from November 2012 to March 2013.

Description OneNote prosject action periods. Inspired from Karr og Kemmis,
The result of the study shows that digital tools can facilitate feedback as an integrated part of student's educational activities. OneNote as a tool for documentation gave opportunities for sharing information, substantial possibilities for storage and for extensive use of modalities. OneNote as a tool for feedback gave opportunities for frequent feedback directly related to the students' work. The pupil and teacher perspective elevates the use of documentation and feedback. OneNote can advantageously be utilized to increase learning activities and learning through assessment. OneNote can be used for computer supported collaborative learning based on the socio-cultural learning perspective. As a contribution to the field of ICT and learning the findings from the study support the use of OneNote for documentation and evaluation. Result of the study confirmed that digital literacy among students and teachers, as well as close monitoring by the teacher, is essential in digital learning environments (Kop & Hill, 2008; Krumsvik, 2011; Vavik & Arnesen, 2012).

Visit the Master Thesis